What is Employee Reward And Recognition Policy?

2 min readJul 6, 2023


A Reward and Recognition Policy is a formal document that outlines how an organization acknowledges and rewards employees for their accomplishments and contributions. It sets guidelines for the types of rewards and recognition available, eligibility criteria, and the overall objectives of the policy.


Eligibility criteria in a Reward and Recognition Policy are specific requirements that employees must meet to be considered for rewards and recognition. These criteria can include performance, contributions, leadership and teamwork, longevity and milestones, and extraordinary efforts. They ensure fairness and consistency in the selection process by establishing clear standards for eligibility.

Objectives of the Policy

1. Motivate and Engage Employees: The policy aims to motivate and engage employees by recognizing and rewarding their exceptional performance, achievements, and contributions. This helps create a positive work environment and encourages employees to strive for excellence.

2. Retain and Attract Talent: An effective policy helps in retaining talented employees by providing them with a sense of value and appreciation for their efforts. It also acts as a tool for attracting new talent to the organization, as job seekers are often attracted to companies with robust recognition programs.

3. Reinforce Desired Behaviors and Values: The policy reinforces desired behaviors and values by recognizing and rewarding employees who embody these principles. It helps establish a culture of excellence, teamwork, innovation, customer focus, or any other core values important to the organization.

4. Foster a Positive Work Culture: By acknowledging and appreciating employees’ contributions, the policy contributes to fostering a positive work culture. It promotes camaraderie, teamwork, and collaboration, and encourages employees to support and recognize one another.

5. Align Individual and Organizational Goals: The policy aligns individual and organizational goals by recognizing and rewarding employees whose efforts directly contribute to the success of the organization. It encourages employees to understand and work towards the company’s objectives.

6. Enhance Employee Morale and Satisfaction: Recognition and rewards boost employee morale and job satisfaction. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to be satisfied with their work and remain motivated to perform at their best.

